Introducing, Human Centered Design

A graphic that says "Human Centered Design" really big and then "put your people at the center & see what happens" it's an invitation to explore the benefits of user research, data, and human centered design

Are you ready to take your small business to the next level? It's time to start thinking like a designer! In this quick chat, we'll explore the power of human-centered design and how it can help you improve not only your customer experience but also the processes that power your business. Buckle up and let's dive in!

What is human-centered design, you might be wondering?

Human Centered Design is a mindset that places your customers at the core of your decision-making process. By understanding their needs, desires, and pain points, you can create solutions that truly resonate with them. It's about empathizing with your customers and designing experiences that interest, delight, and inspire them.

Why should you care about human-centered design?

For starters, it enables you to solve problems in a real and impactful way. Instead of relying on assumptions, you gather valuable insights directly from your customers. This customer-centric approach empowers you to develop products and services that meet their expectations and exceed them, which keeps them coming back for more.

It's not just about your customers. Human-centered design also has a positive impact on your business processes. By analyzing and understanding your workflows, you can identify inefficiencies and pain points. This allows you to streamline operations, save time, and boost productivity. When you optimize your internal processes, you can focus more on what matters to you. Yeah that’s right, *when exercised thoughtfully* Human Centered Design can make you money and make things easier.

So, how can you get started with human-centered design?

Learning! We post weekly blog & social posts about this exact topic to guide you through the key principles and steps involved—so be on the lookout for those and our daily(ish) posts diving into similar topics about the world of design. We believe in keeping things simple and straightforward. While we’re here when you need us, we don’t think you need a design degree to start implementing human-centered design in your small business. Over the coming weeks, we'll break it down into actionable tips and provide practical examples, activities, and resources to help you apply it in your unique context. In the meantime, check out our most recent post answering the burning question, What is User Experience Design?

Don’t want to wait? Don’t blame you. Check out our ever-growing guide, User Experience Design: The Ultimate Playbook for Small Businesses. For a just-deep-enough dive into everything you need to know to start implementing Human Centered Design in your Business.

Your success is our priority! If there's anything you want to hear about, let us know. Let's make good (human-centered and data-driven) design accessible for small businesses like yours.

With love,



The Hidden Goldmine: Unleashing the Power of Data for Small Business Growth


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